Wednesday, September 9, 2009

MELISSA'S MARBLES: Remember Your Size When Picking Your Opponent!

MELISSA'S MARBLES: Remember Your Size When Picking Your Opponent!

Remember Your Size When Picking Your Opponent!

I'm still feeling the pain from rolling with a much bigger teammate. I love my BJJ and sometimes let my big heart get in the way of saying no. I love the challenge of rolling with a variety of opponents. I have to use more technique when rolling with larger opponents. I will just have to be more careful with chosing the size of my opponent.
I decided to roll with one of our larger teammates last week. I'm still feeling the pain from rolling with them. I had him in my gaurd and he went to stack me which caused my ribs to popped. He thought he popped my hip with the loudness of the pop. My ribs have dislocated my ribs before in the past. I had put in extra work strengthing my rotator cuff and core muscles to help heal the injury. I tried to roll for the first time since my ribs popped and the pain was incredible. I didn't even have pressure on me and turn on my side and create pain. I don't remember the pain being this intense last time. I also have a lot of swelling that I didn't have before, so I think I will go get them check out.
I will say that it makes you appreciate all the times you get to workout without injury.